We provide access
Fresh Artists’ impact is visible in art classrooms across the country.
In the schools of more than half the art teachers we serve, there is no budget for art supplies. Period. Many art teachers must survive by being resourceful, relying on the kindness of community organizations or, more typically, exhaustingly funding their classrooms from their own pockets.
Through Fresh Artists’ delivery of supplies and innovative art programs, children have access to such materials as fresh new oil pastels, air-dry clay, watercolors sets, brilliantly hued tempera paints, sketch pads, brushes and Cray-pas and reams of heavy, bright drawing paper.
In the words of one teacher: “Fresh Artists is a life-line. You remind us why we are teaching art.”
Some cry, hug us and simply say:
“Thank you.”
We validate their talent
Through Fresh Artists, children create art, donate images and meet their financial benefactors in highly visible corporate spaces. It’s heady stuff! This 5th grader shares her reaction to seeing her artwork enlarged and displayed in a public space:
“It’s kinda cool and kind of overwhelming...to have my work here in public.”
How many kids living in poverty get to see their artwork enlarged and showcased on the side of a city bus?! Fresh Artists do, and the impact is immeasurable.
For older students, the validation they receive opens up doors of opportunity as they consider the kinds of real paying jobs they can pursue in the creative economy.
We validate their generosity
In the early stages of our evolution, we noticed that children thought they had won a prize when we invited them to donate their artwork. They were unaware of the ripple effect their generosity would have on others.
Now Fresh Artists systematically introduces children to the concept of “philanthropy,” describing how their actions can positively impact hundreds, possibly thousands of other children.
All Fresh Artists' children receive a copy of Pablo, the Philly Philanthropist, an illustrated book that chronicles the path of an eight-year-old boy whose art has been chosen by Fresh Artists. The story launches a conversation in the classroom about the warm, “glowy” feeling produced by giving generously and follows his transformation when he sees the result of his giving. Also, we present each artist-philanthropist with a set of two, small identical art kits – one to keep and one to give to another child.
In the words of one young artist-philanthropist:
“I love being a philanthropist ... Giving to other people makes you feel good inside ... and it’s fun!”
“If I grow older I’d like to sit back and remember –
that’s what I did as a kid…being a young philanthropist…drawing art and giving it to the community and helping other schools.”
– Eli, grade 5
“I’ve had so much help in my life, I need to
give back. My art is the perfect way. Through
it, Fresh Artists will keep giving and giving
– maybe for 50 years. Maybe for 100 years.
Maybe forever. This makes me feel good.”
— 6th grade student
“I love being a philanthropist…Giving to
other people makes you feel good inside
…and it’s fun!”
– 3rd grade student
"I don’t know what I would have done without Fresh Artists. This year my principal gave me zero money for supplies. Zero. That was down from $350 last year. I teach 750 kids a week. The supplies you gave us saved the day. The “Surprise Supplies” that we got on top of the Art Kit Grant made several important and fun projects possible.
The support you give us by showing the kids’ art throughout the community and getting kids out of their neighborhoods is invaluable. You will never know how deeply we appreciate what you do for us art teachers on the front lines. It’s like a hug that is dearly needed.”
— Christine, Art teacher, Elementary School Art teacher
I just wanted to let you know that the response from my students and their families whose work you chose to include in your collection was amazing. I still have parents thanking me for Fresh Artists and the honor you have bestowed on their children!
You crafted a wonderful event and created a powerful tool for change. You honored the children and their families in a way that made a lasting impression. You honored teachers by offering us tangible help to do the best job we can. You honored businesses and corporations by giving them a chance to build community where none existed before. I would love to see more hands-on involvement between corporate partners and our Fresh Artists!
Fresh Artists has created this innovative and highly effective conversation…with everyone benefiting. Please let me know how I can help."
— Jane, Art teacher, Jenks Elementary School
”As an art teacher in an inner city school struggling with funding cuts, my biggest challenge is finding enough paper, paint, and clay for my children to practice and hone their skills. Urban art teachers receive a fraction of the funding of their suburban counterparts. While that does not limit our students' originality, this lack of access does limit their possibilities. 'Fresh Artists' is leveling the playing field. Thanks to this wonderful surprise Angel Art Grant, my classes will be participating in the 'Print Links Philadelphia' project this year using authentic printing screens and inks instead of recycled lunch trays and tempera paints!
Fresh Artists is a visionary nonprofit initiative. Businesses get stunning art at unknown-artist prices, student artists achieve "published artist" status and know they are helping other children, and art teachers receive art supplies like manna from Heaven. Fresh Artists is our entrepreneurial art angel!”
— Valerie, Middle School Art teacher
"It has been a success story of combining the need to add colorful art with lending support to a local nonprofit organization. SAP is a very community-minded corporation and we are pleased to have the opportunity to work with and organization such as Fresh Artists. This is an extraordinary program that supports young artists throughout our area, and now the country, providing them with a creative outlet that may otherwise be unfulfilled.
The feedback from our employees about the young artists' work has been very positive, not only because they enjoy the images but also because it shows how SAP America contributes to local schools and communities. Many believe that giving children opportunities to share their varied talents will bring them positive emotional reinforcement that they might not get otherwise. Fresh Artists is not only giving the students hope for a bright future, but also teaching them to be philanthropic and this is inspiring to us all."
Brian Barrett, SAP Americas, Newtown Square, PA
“Everyone bemoans the state of our schools. Inner city or rural, schools in poor communities receive short shrift. This doubles down on the problem because these are the kids who need a brilliant public education more than any others. They have nowhere to turn, no ways to compensate for the screaming deficiencies in books, technology, and the arts. Fresh Artists has found an efficient and effective solution. By engaging kids in the fix, they make a sound argument for us all to follow the children’s lead and take bold action on some level.”
— Arnold T., CEO of a Fortune 100 corporation
We receive so many positive comments from employees who thoroughly enjoy coming to work and seeing the art, knowing who produced it. In addition, this shows some of the employees that we not only talks about making a difference in the community, but that we walk the talk. And that seems to be exactly what Fresh Artists is doing, walking the talk. They saw a need in the school system and are doing something to positively impact it.
Art is often an outlet for a child to express issues they are dealing with, often an easier outlet than using words or other actions. If a child can express pain thru art perhaps that child will release the pain or be able to use the art as a cry for help. If a child uses the art as an outlet for anger maybe that release will prevent the actual violence from occurring, either thru the release the art provides, or gain, as a signal of a need for help. All extracurricular activities that provide an experience for children, like the art being supported by Fresh Artists, are able to help to stem the tide of violence city.”
— Scott Binder, Director, Corporate Services, Health Partners